A-Z of How to Contribute to Communities

Most of the industry talks about the importance of engaging and contributing to communities but we rarely talk about how to do that. Most newbies in the community also go through imposter syndrome and fear that will there actions be taken in the right light.

Through this mindmap, I and Ajay Balamurugadas share some ideas from our experiences with tech and testing communities on how to contribute to communities.

We also know that there might be more meaningful ways to contribute too. Please help us by sharing them in the comments.

Credit Notes: In the initial version of this mindmap, Y was missing.
1. Y – Yourself was suggested by Joanne Vajpey and Shruti Sharma.
2. Y – Youtube was suggested by Lavanya Chandrasekharan in the Testsigma Discord Server.

Mindmap URL: https://www.xmind.net/m/JMf2rZ

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