AI Prompt Repository for Testers

Have been learning Prompt Engineering (Source) for some time now. Also, using my learnings to experiment with different ways to frame my prompts to ease me with some potential testing tasks. Here is a curated list of such prompts. Note that these are generic prompts created for detailed outputs and clarity. Feel free to tune them to your project context and needs.

If you want to learn the art of crafting good prompts, refer to Prompting Checklist for Testers – Rahul’s Testing Titbits

P.S. These prompts would get updated from time to time with further experimentation on these prompts. Bookmark this page to use the latest version of these prompts. All the best, Happy AI in Testing!

Test Scenario Generation (Basic)

I want you to act as an expert software tester who works on testing "<>" applications.
Generate test scenarios for testing the "<>" feature for "<>" product.
Write the test scenarios in story-like scenario.
Attaching the screenshot of the Application Feature Page for your reference.
Cover scenarios for positive cases, negative cases as well as creative exploratory testing cases.

CSV Format Test Cases for Upload to Jira

Rewrite the test scenarios that you generated into csv format table so that I can upload it to Jira.
The fields that I want to map in Jira are: Step Number, Step, Data, Expected Result

Here is a sample example of field data:
S.NO | Step | Data | Expected Result
1 | Navigate to Ministry of testing Website | | Able to load the website correctly.
2| Click on the Sign Up Page | None | User lands on the Sign Up Page

Write all the tests in the above format step by step.

Learn Testing Topic with Resources & Tools

Act as a testing expert coming from Rapid Software Testing Background.
You like to explain things like James Bach and Michael Bolton. You can read contents from:,,
Your task is to explain testing concepts to a beginner in testing.
Explain the topics using stories, examples, importance of the topic, and in a simple language. Also share me further learning resources and tools that I should look to explore more on this topic.
I want you to explain this topic to me:

Generate Test Scenarios from Requirement (Advanced)

I want you to act as an expert software tester who works at designing test scenarios for his team.
Generate test scenarios for the below requriements.
Ensure that you cover the edge cases, positive cases, negative cases as well as cases that most testers usually miss to cover.
You can also give me checklist of potential bugs in the implementation of such requirement.
Here is the requirement of this feature:

Requirement Analysis – Notes, Questions, Risks, Bugs

I want you to act as an expert software tester who works at reviewing requirements and participates in requirement refinement meetings with the product team.

I want you to ensure that as a tester, you check if the requirement is testable. If not, highlight what can be done to make it testable. Also, analyze each requirement and add your comments as Questions, Notes, Risks, Test Ideas, and Requirement Bugs.

Here is the requirement of this feature:

Test Strategy

I want you to act as an expert software tester who works at designing test strategies for the product. I want you to create test strategy considering pointers from the heuristics test strategy model by James Bach available at
The test strategy should consider factors such as Project Environment, Product Elements, Quality Criteria and Testing Techniques.

The Project Environment is about knowing everything possible about the project (Mission, Information, Developer Relations, Test Team, Equipment / Tools, Schedule, Test Items, and Deliverables).
The Key Quality Criteria categories include capability, reliability, usability, charisma, security, scalability, compatibility, performance, installability, and development.
The Product Element categories includes Structure, Function, Data, Interface, Platforms, Operations, and Timing related factors associated with the product.

Also, make note of all the risks associated with testing this product. You can ask me questions to clarify on any point.
I want you to make a test strategy and explain the step by step tasks I need to do to implement that strategy. Your test application is:

Testing Analysis on Product Update (Updated Requirement)

I want you to act as a testing expert from Rapid Software Testing Background. I want you to do a feature anaysis from testing point of view. I would give you both the versions of the requirements.
The first version would be the existing requirement, the second version would be the updated requirement.
I want you to use the RCRCRC heuristic for analysing the changes and highlight the area that needs testing. RCRCRC heuristic stands for:

Recent - what testing around new areas of code should I think about?
Core - what essential functions or features must continue to work?
Risky - what features or areas of code are inherently more risky?
Configuration Sensitive - what code is dependent on environment settings? 
Repaired - what code has changed to address defects and potentially created issues?
Chronic - what code typically breaks features that need to be tested?

Here is the existing requirement: 
Here is the updated requirement:

Evaluate Test Cases / Scenario Quality

I want you to act as a testing expert from Rapid Software Testing Background. I want you evaluate test cases for a the specified feature based on the completeness and quality of tests, providing insights into how well the tests cover the requirements.

I want you to use the SFDIPOT heuristic for analysing the coverage levels of these tests.
SFDIPOT is a mneumonic for: Structure, function, data, interfaces, platform, operations, and Time. If an aspect is missing in the list of tests, then highlight that and suggest tests for that.

The requirement is about:
Here is the list of tests created till now:

Test Data Generation

I want you to act as an expert software tester who works on creating test data to provide comprehensive test data coverage.
I want you to generate positive, negative, creative, big, little, invalid,  exploratory, boundary-related, and penetration testing related test data to expose vulnerabilities. 
Here are some common types of test data attacks that you can also learn from and incorporate while creating our own test data:

Paths/Files(write paths with these give type): Long Name (>255 chars), Special Characters in Name (eg: space * ? / \ | < > , . ( ) [ ] { } ; : ‘ “ ! @ # $ % ^ & ƒ ), Non-Existent characters, Character with No Space.
Time and Date: Crossing Time Zones, Leap Days, Always Invalid Days (Feb 30, Sept 31), Feb 29 in Non-Leap Years, Different Formats (June 5, 2001; 06/05/2001; 06/05/01; 06-05-01; 6/5/2001 12:34), Internationalisation, mm/dd/yyyy, am/pm, Daylight Savings Changeover.
Numbers: 0, 32768 (215), 32769 (215 + 1), 65536 (216), 65537 (216 +1), 2147483648 (231), 2147483649 (231 + 1), 4294967296 (232), 4294967297 (232 + 1), Scientific Notation (1E-16), Negative, Floating Point/Decimal (0.0001), With Commas (1,234,567), European Style (1.234.567,89).
Strings: Long (255, 256, 257, 1000, 1024, 2000, 2048 or more characters), Accented Chars (àáâãäåçèéêëìíîðñòôõöö, etc.), Asian Characters
Common Delimiters and Special Characters ( “ ‘ ` | / \ , ; : & < > ^ * ? Tab ), Leave Blank, Single Space, Multiple Spaces, Leading Spaces, SQL Injection ( ‘select * from customer),  Emojis

Provide the results in tabular format.
I want you to generate {10} rows of test data for: {}
These are the variable names to create test data for:

Bug Reporting & Drafting

I want you to act as an expert professional software tester who works on drafting bug reports for the product. I want you to draft respectful bug reports based on the issue description that I will share. You have to write compelling and influential bug reports that motivate the programmer to solve those bugs.

Each Bug Report should be in the following format:

- Bug Title: An impact first unique summary that expresses the essence of bug. Under 12 Words, Distinctive.
#Bug Description: Write a brief description of this bug. Minimum 2-3 lines. Be specific and clear about the problem here. Also, Specify here that why do you think it is a problem.
#Application Version:
#Test Environment Details: Edge (Chromium) along with installed Edge Version.
#Screenshot: [User will attach a screenshot here.] Write the next point from the next line.
#Consistently Producible: Yes, Thrice.
#Severity: Add severity between High, Medium, Low and Lowest
#Impact to User: Share the impact of the bug to the end user
#Risks to Business: Write potential risks to the business from this bug.
#Additional Notes: Use this section to add worst side-effects that may come from this issue and also explain why this bug matters.
# Bug Re-Testing Ideas: Share a couple of bug retesting ideas that the developer may try after they fix this bug in their local version.
#Similar Bugs Stories: Add a story of any similar bug that has happened and has caught global attention. If no such story exists, don't mention this section.

You can ask me questions to clarify the bug if something is not clear. I want you to write a clear and well-formatted bug report.

Here is the bug to report:

Code Analysis & Explanation

Act as an expert code analysis and code explanation expert. I will give you code snippets in the prompt and you have to do analysis and help a beginner understand it with simplicity. You have to also check and give feedback on:

- Is the code compliant with standard coding guidlines of the programming language used. If not, what are the issues and how to resolve them?
- Is the code snippet consistent throughout? If not, what are the inconsistent aspects in this code?
- Are there security vulnerabilities or risks in the source code? If yes, specifically highlight those areas.
-  Would there be difficulties in maintaining this code in future? If yes, elaborate on how can we make it more maintainable?
- Are there any unreachable code blocks in this snippet? If yes, highlight that.

Also, write potential test ideas for this piece of development code snippet.

Explain the following code so that someone with no development experience can understand. The code is:

That’s all folks! For suggestions, feel free to add comments to this post 🙂

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