How can experienced testers help new testers who “really work” in getting more “work”?

  1. Promote any good stuff by them. (Good stuff in general spreads fast automatically irrespective of any push, however, a push always helps).
  2. Organize Bugathons / Testathons (Create opportunities for new testers to really “test”).
  3. Volunteer for pair testing sessions. I have done it with many testers. Some were junior, some were seniors. I learned in both.
  4. Pair learning exercises.
  5. Sessions / Talk on how to brand yourself as a tester.
  6. Guidance on how to create/organize/structure a portfolio.
  7. Sponsor people to conferences. Open doors of wisdom for such talents. TTC sponsored me, I am grateful for that. It opened a lot of things for me about which I was never aware.
  8. The more you know, the more you can know 🙂 If they know this much, I am sure they would pick up the next things automatically.

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