My Personalized Toolkit (Desktop Installable)

Tools are an essential part of every engineer’s life. You might not need each of them everyday but having a ready to use toolkit will make your life easy in unimaginable ways. Over the time, I have tried many tools. Some work for me, most do not. However, the ones that do work for me shape the way I do my day-to-day work. Tools are therefore an integral part of my work. These days, I have been frequently changing machines myself and the challenge to recall / install each tool feels like a irritating task to me.

Apple AirPods near MacBook

Today, my friend, Gunjan Vora asked me about tools that I would install on my first day at office and I found it as a nice opportunity to braindump my ideal toolkit. These might be (or might not be) useful to you. However, these are some good beauties that I have discovered after investing a good time in tool exploration.

Here goes my list:

  • Desktop Apps:
    • Everything – Helps me search everything in seconds
    • Canva – Design, Illustrations, Visuals, & Posters in minutes.
    • AutoHotKey – Script Windows (Power Stuff)
    • XMind – If you know me, You know what XMind is πŸ™‚ If you don’t, I recommend you to Google!
    • Caffeine – Don’t let your computer sleep, before you do πŸ™‚
    • Krisp – If you want others to hear you crystal clear πŸ™‚ Also, If you want to hear others, crystal clear.
    • WSL – Who doesn’t need Linux? What was so interesting about the 90s?
    • Zoom It – STOP looking for the zoom button on apps, Just Zoom It πŸ™‚
    • Carnac – What the hell did you do to do that? It shows everything! Power tool for remote workers.

This list only contains the installable tools, I use a lot of other web app tools too. A post on that some other day. You can find many more useful tools in the Ultimate Productivity Toolkit.

I am thinking to automate the installation process for all of these. If you have ideas, Please help me know πŸ™‚

Signing Off πŸ™‚

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