My top 10 all-time favorite videos on software testing

Originally, posted as a Twitter thread, thought to post it as a blog as this would be a good reference for the future too 

I have watched each of these many times in the past years.

Here you go! 

(1/10) Heuristics and why testers should care about them by @jamesmarcusbach

This was a webinar – #TTTribeCast by @the_test_tribe

(2/10) The Future of Testing is Here by @ajay184f

This was a Keynote Talk at @AST_News Conference 2015.

(3/10) The Business Value of Testing by @testertested

This was a part of #TribalQonf Conference by @the_test_tribe

(4/10) Testing is Dead – Long Live Testing by @shrinik

This was a talk at QAI’s Software Testing Talks (2012)

(5/10) Steve McQueen, Consulting Software Tester by @jamesmarcusbach

I remember it by the name of testing inferno.

This video is available on Satisfice Channel on YouTube.

(6/10) Blunders in Test Automation by @DorothyGraham

This is a conference talk in #FailQonf by @the_test_tribe

(7/10) A Ridiculously Rapid Introduction to Rapid Software Testing by @michaelbolton

This video is available on QA Symphony YouTube Channel.

(8/10) Jugadu Automation by @rahul_verma

This was a conference talk session organized by @stepin_forum

(9/10) Mindmap Driven Testing by @Praz_hegde

This was part of a Conference Talk by @TestMastersAcad

(10/10) Explore It? Explore It! By @testobsessed

Available on the YouTube Channel of @testobsessed

I know there are many other beauties out there that are worth the attention of every tester 

Please help me by adding them to this list.


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