Secret to Success In Testing: Not for Excusers

This is the secret to success.

Most people don’t practice testing outside their job.

Here are 7 things that’ll help you take your testing game to the next level:


1. Open Source Projects.

🔸Pick any tool.
🔸Test It
🔸Report bugs | change requests

Will help build credibility + real time feedback.

One such project: @testsigmainc 

2. Testing Hackathons

🔸Follow #testinghackathon on Social Media
🔸Test your skills against others in real time.

Will help identify your weak areas + learn from others.

One community that does such free events: @the_test_tribe 

3. Public Exploratory Testing Sessions / Experience Reports

🔸Pick any app.
🔸Test It
🔸Record the session
🔸Take notes
🔸Share notes with app team.
🔸Publish a video | text blog.

Will boost your networking as well as testing game. 

4. Testing Assistants / Utils

🔸Identify any small need of yours. Could be personal too.
🔸It could be really trivial too. Ex: Running few commands in sequence or clearing program state.
🔸Create a small utility.

Use your own utility, test it, and improve it. 

5. Pair Testing

🔸Find an accountability partner. Anyone interested can qualify.
🔸Both test together. One can take note; One can control the app.
🔸Switch Roles

Great hack to learn from others + practice collaboration skills. 

6. Volunteer in Communities.

🔸Find an opportunity to volunteer.
🔸Better do something that you have never done before.

Great hack to learn from natural ways + Give back to community. 

7. Testing Kit

🔸Look for things that can help your job as a tester.
🔸Consider even the tiniest of utils.
🔸Add them on a notion page | webpage. Use it whenever you test.

Boosts productivity 🚀🚀 

That’s a wrap!

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